Voices Video Collection

Voices YouTube Playlists

This is the beginning of a collection of videos of students seeking to master core social, literacy, and democratic competencies that can help them prevent violence in their lives, improve their reading comprehension, and enable them to use their voices to advocate ways to improve our democratic society. 

Currently, we have eight playlists:

1. Tell Personal Stories (Oral Language Genre: story telling) (Voices Competency: identity awareness) 

2. Stand in Your Shoes (Oral Language Genre: role playing) (Voices Competency: social perspective taking)

3. Role Play an Interpersonal Conflict (Oral Language Genre: negotiating) (Voices Competency: interpersonal social problem solving)

4. Present a Personal Freedom Plan (Oral Language Genre: presenting; expository) (Voices Competency: freedom-related values and self-determination skills)

5. Role Play Resolution of an Inter-group Conflict (Oral Language Genre: negotiating) (Voices Competency: intergroup social problem solving)

6. Present Democracy Speeches (Oral Language Genre: delivering persuasive speech) (Voices Competency: democratic voice)

7. Stop the Gun Violence Stories  (Oral Language Genre: story telling) (Voices Competency: identity awareness; risk and protective factors)) 

8. Stop the Gun Violence Speeches  (Oral Language Genre: persuasive speech) (Voices Competency: democratic voice) 

The mastery levels of these videos range from beginning to proficient. We hope to add to these playlists in the future and add other playlists that focus on other competencies. Please share these videos with others and share your videos with us.

This video collection is in the process of being developed to support Lift Every Voice.

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